What happened to flight MH370? One of the biggest aviation mysteries still haunts families

It has been ten years since this happened Flight MH370 disappeared Malaysia Airlines is listed as one of the biggest aviation mysteries in the world.

Two words haunted Le Ergio during these ten years. “We lost touch.” This is what she told him Malaysia Airlines When the plane of the plane disappeared MH370His son Yanlin was riding in it.

“For years I've been asking, what does 'lost touch' mean? If you lose touch, can't you reconnect?” Lee told the BBC.

He and his wife, farmers from a village south of Beijing, couldn't figure out what happened to the plane.

On March 8, 2014, Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 flight MH370 from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing with 227 passengers and 12 crew on board disappeared from radar screens as it was about to enter Vietnamese airspace.

After that there was a sudden change of direction and all electronic communications were cut off.

The largest and most expensive search operation ever mounted lasted four years, but no trace of the missing plane was found. Thousands of oceanographers, aeronautical engineers and amateur detectives combed through the plane's fragmented data to try to figure out where its journey ended.

For families of travelers These 10 years of unspeakable miseryInvestigations to find out what happened on that flight and why are struggling to continue.

Mr Lee traveled the world to support the campaign. He says he spent all his savings on trips to Europe and Asia, and to the beaches in Madagascar where the wreckage of the missing plane was found.

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As she told British media, she wanted to feel the sand where her son had been washed. While in the Indian Ocean, he remembers yelling at Yanlin to take him home.

“I will continue to travel to the ends of the earth to find my son,” she says.

Yanlin was one of 153 Chinese passengers on the flight. His parents were among 40 families denied settlement payments by the Malaysian government.

The pilot maneuvered to disappear from the radar

One of the many theories about what happened on that plane is that the pilot was responsible for his disappearance.

Flight engineer Richard Godfrey, who has been investigating Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 since 2014, was quoted by foreign media as saying. The pilot made a deliberate maneuverA flight plan is carefully designed to avoid giving a clear picture of where the aircraft is going.

After 10 yearsLife goes on, but the victims' families feel tied to the past.

Last Sunday, 500 relatives and other citizens gathered at a shopping center near the Malaysian capital. Kuala Lumpur, “Remembrance Day”.

Grace Nathan was writing her final exams for law school at the time MH370 disappeared. Annie's mother was on the plane. Today she is a lawyer with her own office in Malaysia and a mother of two young children.

At a memorial service in Kuala Lumpur, he recalled holding a photograph of his mother as she walked down the wedding steps.

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