Those who arrived on the red carpet

The Mad Video Music Awards 2024 They turn 21 this year. The show started on the…

Apostolos Litras: His Ex-Wife Arrested in Evolpitan – Arrested After Current Wife’s Case

The ex-wife of Apostolos Lytra was recently brought to the court of the former Evelpidon school,…

Journalists “died” the great philosopher.

Thriller In the last hours whether a great theoretician and philosopher died or not, Noam Chomsky.…

Floridis: After Kouya’s claims about Lytra we asked for a more original definition of what a man is.

After the criminologist’s report, Justice Minister Giorgos Floridis commented, “Today we heard the most original definition…

Eleni Menegaki: A morning walk with her four-legged friend – in casual clothes and flip-flops

Eleni Menegaki posted a photo on Instagram where we see her casually walking with her adorable…

All the glamor I wear is not just 100% me

“There was a problem when my husband saw that I was only showing my sexy side,”…

Freedom: Five tourists die in 11 days in Greece – ‘there is a common pattern’

Disappearances and deaths of tourists on Greek islands have become a hot topic in the British…

First pre-Olympic training of national team at SEF

The national team began its preparation today (17/6) ahead of the SEF Pre-Olympic Tournament (2-7/7) under…

The 39-year-old German, who attacked fans and police with an ax and Molotov cocktails, has psychological problems.

He, who has a history of schizophrenia, was arrested in Hamburg on Sunday (16.06.2024), according to…

Isthmus: EL.AS is looking for two drivers who allegedly saw the tanker explode and crash.

Police are seeking information on the circumstances of the tanker overturned and caught fire on the…