Tishthali: “El Ghanduri and Amrabad said great things to me about PAOK, let’s play in the Champions League” (vid)

Tarik Tishuntali made his first statements as a PAOK footballer and spoke about his goals with Tkefalos and who he spoke to before coming to Greece.

Tariq Tishuntali is a footballer of PAOK Wholeheartedly and by himself he did his first training with DiCapelos so that he would be at his disposal Lucescu soon.

The 31-year-old winger gave Dikefalo his first statements as a footballer and his goals and why he gave a positive response to continue his career in Greece.

About his feelings: “I was transferred here after many years in Belgium. This is a new adventure for me. I am very happy to be here at this amazing club, the most beautiful club in Greece. I am very happy”.

For his goals with PAOK: “To win trophies and play in the Champions League groups. I want to help the team with a lot of goals and assists. I want to make people happy. There has to be a purpose in the game!”

Who did he talk to before coming to PAOK?: “I spoke to Omar El Kadouri, Nordin Amrafat, who, despite being an opponent, spoke of the club in great words. El Kadouri also had only good things to say. I also spoke to some other players who have friends who played for PAOK. Everyone spoke only positively. PAOK is always respected in Greece and Europe. And a club that fights for titles. I think it will be a good step for me.”

He is fighting for the position: “I’m a very creative striker. I’m not static. I like to move, I use my technique, I like to go into space, I like to jump. That’s my type of game. I’m aggressive and I like to keep moving to make it as difficult for defenders as possible.”

His message to PAOK fans: “Of course I know them, I met some Greek friends of PAOK in Belgium and they, like me, are happy about the transfer. The fans are really amazing. There is pressure, but it’s good. You have to play with that pressure to win for the fans, for the team and for the club.”

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