The hottest summer in recent years is coming

Many parts of Greece saw temperatures above 30 degrees Celsius on Saturday, sending many to the beaches.

For example, at Assos Corinthia the thermometer was 32 degrees, at Heraklion and Scala Messenia over 31 degrees, and at Sparta, Pyreia and Akrinio over 30 degrees Celsius.

While citizens are rejoicing in the good weather and temperatures, forecasters warn there is more ahead. One of the hottest summers in recent years.

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Speaking to MEGA, Costas LaGuertos, research director of the National Laboratory in Athens, said the conditions we have today are just the beginning.

This year is expected to be the hottest summer in recent decades, he said.

“The weather trend for June, July and August is from the European forecast centre, where temperatures will be above normal for the season. “It’s one of the most important we’ve seen in recent years, in many parts of Europe and indeed with a deviation,” he said characteristically.

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