Tax lottery: The draw has been made, see if you win €50,000 – Economic Postman

A “split” tax lottery of between 1,000 euros and 50,000 euros was carried out by the independent public revenue authority AADE. This is about the 30th general lottery and electronic transactions carried out in April 2024.

The tax lottery was conducted in its new form, distributing much larger sums.

One lucky winner will win 50,000 euros, 5 lucky winners will win 20,000 euros and 500 taxpayers will win 1,000 euros.

See the April tax bill here

According to the joint decision, every month, the tax lottery draws and then pays out to 556 lucky winners as follows:

  • The winner of 50,000 euros,
  • 5 winners of €20,000,
  • 5,000 euros and 50 winners
  • 500 people win from 1,000 euros.

Each month, every euro spent in plastic money (cards or other electronic payment) gives the taxpayer a ticket with a maximum monthly spending limit of 10,000 euros.

If the card or other electronic payment amount within the reference month exceeds 30%, 50% or 70% (1/12 per annum) of the monthly income, the fee will be doubled, tripled or quadrupled. respectively.

It should also be noted that taxpayers with an annual, personal, real net income of less than 1,000 euros and exempt taxpayers from the last submitted income tax return and those who are not obliged to submit an income tax return earn twice. How much money for every euro they consume, people with an annual income of more than 60,000 euros receive one lottery ticket per euro without increase, while the lottery tickets of each participant are increased by 50% for each protected child, shown on a case-by-case basis from the parents’ joint or separate income statement.

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The numbers collected for each citizen for participating in the annual draw are taken into account in the monthly draws conducted in the same year.

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