Stripper threatening Prince Harry in new revelations – he's Meghan Markle's “toy”

Stripper Carrie Royall may have threatened Prince Harry with nude photos, and fans have only banned him from their platforms, but she's not ready to stop the revelations.

The woman who threatened to release nude photos of Harry from the infamous party in Las Vegas in 2012 is a 52-year-old former dresser and mistress.

Carey spoke to Royal Mail Online and revealed details about Prince Harry that night.

“He was carefree and fun,” she said and confirmed they had not had sex. “He's not likely to go any further. When men drink, in my experience… not much happens there.

She wanted to make it clear that Prince Harry's image today had nothing to do with the 27-year-old she met that night.

He didn't hesitate to compare her to “his wife's puppet” and shot his “arrows” at Meghan Markle. “He is manipulated by Megan, who completely absorbs his appetite for fun and pulls the strings.”

Carrie Royall is now considering publishing a book about her life and her 'interesting clients', including details of meeting Prince Harry.

“I wrote a book that wasn't just about Harry, but that night in Vegas was included in the book,” she said.

Wild night and nude pool in Las Vegas

Harry moved to Las Vegas at the age of 27 for bombing before his second tour in Afghanistan.

According to the DailyMail, he drunkenly ran into Carrie Royall and they kissed after he invited her to a party with other strippers and guests in a suite at the Wynn Hotel, also known as the “Mecca of Gambling.”

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“I was there during the nude pool. I walked into the party to find Harry losing the game, having this moment in a big suite, and going to find him in his bedroom suite. Drinking gave me some courage, so did he, I kissed him a little,” he said.

Her move to threaten to release nude photos of herself with Prince Harry was the result of anger over not being featured in a Netflix documentary with Meghan Markle or in Spare's book.

“I don't want to marry a royal. I live a different lifestyle. Not that I couldn't, but I didn't want it for myself. At the time I was living in Southern California, a dominator by night and an anesthesiologist by day. I was definitely living a different lifestyle, and when I met Harry, I was having fun and having fun, and I will always remember this moment.”

“He doesn't respect that he has a title and responsibilities”

As for Meghan Markle, the former stripper didn't say anything better. “He doesn't really respect that he has a title and responsibilities. It's definitely a wedge between him and his family. She's definitely created a wedge between him and his family and his obligations, and I think he's very manipulated by her,” he said of the Duchess of Sussex. “She's manipulative. She claims she was bullied, but uses the same media that 'bullied' her to promote her reputation.'

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