Open polling: The difference between ND and PASOK

A steady lead is recorded through New Democracy against him PASOKBy Syriza It should be firmly in third place by its main poll hello for OpenIn the wake of his stormy conference Official Opposition. Rising trends are recorded Greek solutionSeems very suitable for Prime Minister Kiriakos Mitsotakis.

As for the selection for TempehMost believe that it does not shed light on the causes of the accident, while most rate his intervention positively. Alexis TsiprasIn his para five SYRIZA conference.

Open Polling: Choice to Vote in Parliamentary and European Elections

Specifically, for voting purposes, the percentages of parties are determined as follows:

  • SW: 29%
  • PASOK: 11.1%
  • Syriza: 10.1%
  • Greek solution: 7,8%
  • K.K.E: 7%,
  • success: 2,5%
  • Freedom sailing: 2,3%
  • New Left: 2,4%
  • Spartans: 2%
  • A non-binding vote: 22,5%

In reduction of valid persons, the percentages of the parties are determined as follows:

  • New Democracy: 37,2%
  • PASOK:14,2%
  • Syriza: 13%
  • Greek solution: 10%
  • K.K.E: 9%
  • success 3.2%
  • New Left: 3,1%
  • Sailing: 3%
  • Spartans 2.6%
  • Day 25: 2,3%

For purposes of voting for European elections, the percentages are determined as follows:

  • SW: 28%
  • PASOK: 9,7%
  • Syriza: 8,8%
  • Greek solution: 7,5%
  • K.K.E: 7%
  • success: 3%
  • Freedom sailing: 2,8%
  • New Left 2.4%
  • Spartans 2.1%
  • Day 25: 1,9%
  • A non-binding vote: 22,9%

In reduction of valid persons, the percentages of the parties are determined as follows:

  • SW: 36.2%
  • PASOK: 12,5%
  • Syriza: 11,4%
  • Greek solution: 9,7%
  • K.K.E: 9%
  • success: 3,9%
  • Freedom sailing: 3,6%
  • New Left: 3,1%
  • Spartans: 2,7%

Who do you think is suitable for Prime Minister?

Very suitable for Prime Minister Kiriakos Mitsotakis followed by 28.9% Stefanos Kassalakis With 7.7%, O Kyriakos Velopoulos With 7.4%, O Nikos Androlakis 7.2% and o Dimitris Koutsoubas By Yannis Varoufakis Each collects from 3.5%. next Zoe Konstantopoulou 2.8% and o Alexis Haritzis with 1.6%.

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What they say about stormy Syriza conference and Tsipras intervention – when they want Kasselakis to be vindicated

50.3% answered that Syriza came out weakly from storm conference, 13.6% answered his party Opposition official Coming out strong. 24.1% believe things will stay the same.

As for his constituents Syriza41.2% consider that The party is weakening32% come out strong.

47.2% consider it inappropriate Intervention by Tsipras Before the convention, 30.8% considered it appropriate.

48.7% of his voters Syriza at June electiondeems his intervention appropriate Mr. Tsipras37.1% think so wrong.

42.7% ask that Stefanos Kassalakis at Parliamentary Elections34.7% asked to decide later European elections.

At 51.1% Syriza voters O asks to judge President after the parliamentary elections40.9% ask for a decision to be made after the European elections.

53.7% do not want the name change of Syriza, 15.8% want the name change.

53.3% of Syriza voters prefer a center-left trend, 30.5% want the party to move to the left, and 5.3% want to move to the center.

Biggest problems – what they say about support measures

As for the big problems

  • 53.5% people consider her Accuracy
  • 31.3% people consider her Health
  • 20.6% Income level
  • 17.3% Education
  • 15.6% Criminology
  • 15% of the Development
  • 11.9% Unemployment

69.9% predicted that the government got less Support activities From what is allowed State of the economy 24.1% responded that they got it More measures than the economy can bear And 18.7% answered yes As many activities as the economy allows.

For tempi

74.5% people are pessimistic about it Selection Committee It will shed light on the real reasons for their misfortune Tempo and will take responsibility, while 17.7% responded that they were confident of a positive outcome.

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