Kasos: The harsh reality of Greek retreats

His recent presence Turkish Navy Outside the island’s territorial seas CassoIt is an equally serious Turkish provocation and questioning of Greek sovereign rights, after the recent unprecedented Turkish military appearance. Possessions of Cyprus.

Undoubtedly, in such tense cases, the primary objective is to avoid a hot episode leading to loss of human life.

However, the overall and comprehensive assessment and evaluation of the incident in question once again demonstrates Greek subservience to ever-worsening Turkish claims at the expense of Greek sovereign rights.

In this case, the Italian vessel was investigating the provocative presence of Turkish warships 6.1 nautical miles off the coast of Kasos. Cable stitch Electrical connection Cyprus-CreteTurkey’s alleged right should not be considered in any way as it is implied in some political and journalistic attitudes.

The United Nations Conference The Law of the Sea expressly provides that islands have territorial waters of 12 nautical miles. Continental Shelf and EEZ. The fact that Greece is the only country in the world that has not extended its territorial waters from 6 nautical miles to 12 constitutes Greece’s first and serious pushback against Turkey, as Turkey considers such a move casus belli. They are already visible and painful.

Turkey, while in the Black Sea and Eastern Mediterranean, increased the Aegean Sea boundaries from the three miles set by the 1923 Treaty of Lausanne to six nautical miles, with little reaction from the Greek side. Turkey has increased its maritime boundary to 12 nautical miles.

However, the concessions from the Greek side did not stop here. As for Kasos, the Turkish warships may have been outside territorial waters, but their presence revealed Turkish competition for the Greek EEZ defined by the Greece-Egypt Treaty.

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At the same time, the presence of Turkish warships inside the Greek EEZ in Kasos confirms Turkey’s strong support for the illegal Turkish-Libyan memorandum, as well as Turkey’s claims east of the 28th meridian, between which a large gap was left by the definition of the EEZ. Greece and Egypt announce another serious Greek pushback to Turkish claims in the Eastern Mediterranean.

In conclusion, diplomatic mediation and continued dialogue is good and welcome to ease the tensions that Turkey often deliberately incites in the Aegean and Mediterranean. The Mediterranean SeaHowever Greek subjugation over the years is a harsh reality, the consequences of which will be tragic in the future if Greece does not change its policy and above all if it does not get a national strategy.

*Mr Evangelos Stergiolis holds a PhD in Sociology from Pantheon University, Major General E.A. Graduated from the Hellenic Police and National Defense and National Defense Schools.

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