He called his country “Macedonia” during his inauguration – the Greek ambassador walked out

The “instruments” of challenges have begun in North Macedonia. Kortana Celianowska was sworn in as President at a special session of Parliament.

During the oath of office Silyanovska called the country “Macedonia”. Despite that In the pledge speechRead by Jovan Mitreski, the speaker of the outgoing parliament, the new president called for a repeat. As “North Macedonia”.

Ambassador of Greece in North Macedonia, Sophia FilipidoA parliamentary session was called for the swearing-in of Kortana Celianowska, He is gone According to ertnews, as a symbol of resistance.

71-year-old Kortana Silianowska He was elected President of North Macedonia as the candidate of VMRO-DPMNE in the second round of the presidential elections held on Wednesday 8 May. Practically, with a percentage of 65%, The current president of the country, Stevo Penderowski.

Parallel to the second round of the presidential election Parliamentary elections were also held in the countryThe right-wing opposition party VMRO-DPMNE scored a notable victory, winning 58 of the 120 seats in parliament.

The party “WORTH” started negotiations to form a government with a coalition of opposition Albanian parties.

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