Gouretas not invited to the presentation of Thessaly's anti-flood prevention plan – his reaction regional governor

The presentation of the report of the Dutch company “HVA” for water management in Thessaly to the government will take place today at 11 am, according to reports, without the regional governor of Thessaly, Dimitris Kouretas.

With his position, he hopes to be invited to work with the government on the final project with his scientific team in the second year.

His record: In a few hours, the Dutch company HVA's plan for the flood protection of our Thessaly will be announced to the country's prime minister. Tonight I am, as we say, awake in Seattle. I would like to hear it first, but I am sure I will be invited with my scientific team to hear it from the Prime Minister and together we will shape our proposal for Thessaly. And I'm sure.

We have already submitted a plan to clean the streams and rivers and finalize the embankments in the pre-Daniel period at a cost of 530 million and I believe it will be approved by the government in a few days. . A rough repair of the embankments and rough cleaning of the streams of Magnesia and other streams and rivers of Thessaly had already been done at a cost of 82.5 million. We tried at 395 points and short-term interventions were carried out as per the joint strategy with the Ministries of Infrastructure, Home Affairs and Civil Defence. Awake for two months. For those who ask me about today's announcement on the flood relief plan, I have the essence that we will work with the government to come up with a final proposal in a short period of time. But shortly.

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