Global happiness: Finland tops for 7th time – Greece falls 6 places in one year

Finland has won the title of world's happiest country for the seventh time in a row.

Afghanistan ranks last, while Greece is somewhere in the middle, lower than last year.

In his study UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network 143 countries participated.

This study has been published since 2012

Every year is bad for Greece

Our country was ranked 58th in last year's list and this year it is ranked 64th. In other words, six places have fallen this year compared to 2023.

The Nordic countries continue to hold the top spot, with Denmark, Iceland and Sweden far behind Finland.

The U.S. and Germany, after more than a decade, have dropped out of the top 20 happiest countries, ranking 23rd and 24th, respectively.

The US lost places because other countries – especially in the Eastern European region – managed to climb the list.

Instead, Costa Rica and Kuwait entered the top 20 with 12th and 13th place.

Eastern European countries Serbia, Bulgaria and Latvia also showed significant increases from last year.

This year's report is the first to include separate statistics by age group and provides grim news on how satisfied young people are with their lives in some parts of the world.

20 Happiest Countries

1. Finland
2. Denmark
3. Iceland
4. Sweden
5. Israel
6. The Netherlands
7. Norway
8. Luxembourg
9. Switzerland
10. Australia
11. New Zealand
12. Costa Rica
13. Kuwait
14. Austria
15. Canada
16. Belgium
17. Ireland
18. Czech Republic
19. Lithuania
20. United Kingdom

20 Unhappiest Countries

  1. Afghanistan
  2. Lebanon
  3. Lesotho
  4. Sierra Leone
  5. Congo
  6. Zimbabwe
  7. Botswana
  8. Malawi
  9. Swaziland
  10. Zambia
  11. Yemen
  12. Comoros
  13. Tanzania
  14. Ethiopia
  15. Bangladesh
  16. Sri Lanka
  17. Egypt
  18. India
  19. Jordan
  20. to go
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Check out the full list:

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