Forecast Marousakis: The heat wave is at its peak

That is the peak A heat wave is still affecting the country with temperatures today come across theirs 40 degrees Celsius. We have it in most parts of the country Clear weatherHowever, some may occur in the afternoon you can Epirus, in the mountains of western and central Macedonia.

According to the forecast of OPEN meteorologist Clearchos Marousakis Average temperature Moving 38 degrees Celsius The Most High will touch them 43 degrees Celsius. Strong northerly winds of 6-7 Beaufort will prevail in the central Aegean region.

In Attica We will have sunshine. wind 6 Beaufort They will blow Southern Euboic Gulfwhen Cabo Toro They can touch 7 Beaufort. The midday mercury in the city center will touch them 39 degrees Celsius.

Thessaloniki also has good weather. The temperature will touch them 38 degrees Celsius. 3-4 Beaufort’s gentle winds cool the atmosphere.

Tomorrow is Friday two Air masses They are encountered throughout the country, affecting central and northern mainland Greece. Caution is advised in northern Greece, we are likely to see strong storms in the afternoon. Further south, the same holds true High temperature is 38-40 degrees Celsius. A heat wave will begin weakens From Monday.

Prognosis of EMY

Friday 19-07-2024

  • Generally clear weather. During the afternoon and afternoon, temporary clouds will form in the western and northern continental areas and there will be local rain mainly in the north, where isolated storms in the mountains will blow from 4 to 6 Aegean inland 7 Beaufort.
  • Although the temperature will drop slightly in the north, it will remain at high levels and reach:
  • A. North continental areas will be between 38 and 39 degrees Celsius and other continental areas will be between 40 and 41 degrees Celsius.
  • B. In the Ionian Islands, East Aegean Islands, Dodecanese and Southern Crete, 37 to 40°C.
  • c. In other parts of the island country, 35 to 37 degrees Celsius.
  • d. In the province of Attica and Thessaloniki, 38 to 39 degrees Celsius.

20-07-2024 Saturday

  • Generally clear weather. From the afternoon, temporary clouds will form in the continental areas and there will be local rain in the mountains and occasional storms in Macedonia. Events in the evenings are limited to western and central Macedonia and will gradually stop.
  • Winds will be from northerly directions at 3 to 5 and inland from the Aegean at 6 at Beaufort.
  • The temperature does not change significantly and reaches:
  • 37 to 39 degrees Celsius will be recorded in northern continental areas, 40 degrees in other continental areas, and 41 degree Celsius locally in western continental areas.
  • In the Ionian Islands, the East Aegean Islands, the Dodecanese and Southern Crete, 38 to 40 degrees Celsius.
  • In other parts of the island country, 34 to 36 degrees Celsius.
  • 39 and 40 degrees in Attica and 38 to 39 degrees Celsius in the province of Thessaloniki.
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Sunday 21-07-2024

  • Generally clear weather. In the afternoon and afternoon, temporary clouds will form over continental areas and there will be localized rain in the north and in the mountains of eastern Macedonia and Thrace, isolated storms will occur.
  • Winds from northerly directions will be 3 to 5 and southeast Aegean local 6 will gradually weaken in Beaufort.
  • Temperatures will be maintained at high levels with maximum values ​​ranging from 37 to 39 degrees Celsius over land and 40 degrees Celsius inland.

07-22-2024 Monday

  • Generally clear weather. During the afternoon and afternoon, patchy clouds will develop over continental areas and there will be localized showers and isolated storms in the north.
  • Winds will be 3 to 5 from the north and 6 Beaufort in southern seas.
  • The temperature does not change significantly.

Emergency Safety Measures by Ministry of Labour

In taking extraordinary measures to deal with the heat stress of private sector employees due to heat, theMinistry of Labor and Social Security.

Following the announcement by the National Meteorological Center (NMS). An upcoming heat wave And Ministry of Labor and Social Security vide circular dated 7/15/2024 following meeting with General Secretariat of Civil Defense, Ministry of Climate Crisis and Civil Defense Emergency measures Manage Heat stress of private sector employees.

In particular, taking into account the relevant circular of June 3, 2024 (Broad No. 34666): “Prevention of heat stress of workers” of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security, with the new circular published, the following is expected:

Forced strike Manual tasks Performed outdoors

  • Today, employees of businesses located mainly in Macedonia, Thrace, Epirus, West and East Central Greece, Thessaly and West and East Peloponnese, where, according to the Emergency Bulletin of Deteriorating Weather (EDEK) from 07/15/2024, particularly high temperatures will prevail. Expected, work stoppage is mandatory during the period 12:00-17:00. Manual tasks Performed outdoors. Technical and building projects, construction sites, distribution and transportation of goods and materials by two-wheeled vehicle (delivery), etc., are indicated when the temperature is equal to or higher than 40° C.
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Upto Wednesday 17/07/2024 Upto Friday 19/07/2024

  • For all workers in industries and manual work done outside, if the temperature is equal to or higher than 40°C, it will be. Their work break is mandatory during the period 12:00-17:00. Engineering and building projects, construction sites, distribution and transportation of goods and materials by two-wheeled vehicle, skates, roller blades, etc. (delivery) are mentioned.
  • It is especially indicated for work Shipyard Repair Zone The obligation of the above rules applies to the temperature built in at a price Above 38°C.
  • As long as the measure of suspension of delivery operations is applied, the option of ordering (takeaway) can be kept active by receiving the user directly from the store, as well as eventually making deliveries through private vehicles. Two-wheeled vehicles and other means of the preceding paragraph, as defined in Article 2 of Law 2696/1999, under more specific terms or conditions, as long as they have air conditioning.
  • The suspension of operations does not apply to economic activities related to critical and socially important infrastructure in the health, transport and public utility sectors (sanitary facilities, water supply, electricity, air transport, handling, sea, land and rail transport). Circular no. 34666/03/06/2024 of other technical and organizational measures “Prevention of heat stress of workers”, including working time system.
  • In the event of non-compliance with the mandatory stoppage, a monetary fine of 2,000 euros per employee of the company is imposed by the labor inspectorate.

Remote work arrangement

For workers who have a dependent labor relationship in the private sector of the dependent economy high-risk groups, Especially in cases where they are exposed to adverse conditions, especially in areas where high temperatures are expected to prevail, according to the Emergency Weather Deterioration Bulletin (EDEK) from 15/07/2024. Remote working is offered With her organization telecommunications, If possible due to the nature of their work.

Extraordinary measures to organize working hours

In case of change in the time of arrival and departure of employees, in order to facilitate it, employers should not register any change in working time setting in “ERGANI” information system in advance.

Telecommuting and Flexible Attendance Hours in Govt

Security measures their health Government employees Activating the Ministry of Home Affairs due to the incoming tide Heat wave. The use of telework is expected for civil servants belonging to vulnerable groups and working in services headquartered in an area with temperatures of 40 degrees Celsius and above. Until Friday, July 19.

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If this is not possible due to the nature of their duties, they can Do not attend their service using special permission (up to two working days per calendar year).

belongs to them Vulnerable groups Established on the basis of relevant data already held for the employee or in conjunction with the Service’s Medical Examiner or Occupational Physician or on the presentation of the employee concerned. medical opinion, From that the condition develops.

If that is not possible Telecommunication arrangement Or there is no balance of leave, employees belonging to vulnerable groups can Absence forgiven from their service due to heat. In order to implement this action, it is necessary to provide relevant medical opinion.

Who can telecommute?

Especially for them Public servants belonging to Vulnerable groups Application is submitted telecommunication. If this is not possible, due to the nature of their duties, they cannot come to their service using special permission. They belong to vulnerable groups, established on the basis of relevant data already held for the employee or in collaboration with the service’s medical examiner or occupational physician or on the submission of the relevant medical opinion by the employee. will be received.

According to the circular of General Secretary of Public Administration Dimitris Kirmigroklou, civil servants who do not belong to vulnerable groups can also provide their services by telecommuting, which will be implemented where this is not possible. Flexible visiting hours and departure. Especially for workers who have to work outside, they should use the recommended personal protective equipment, while it is recommended to avoid working during peak hours of heat (12.00 – 17.00).

In order to avoid the suffering of citizens and to protect their health, it is clarified that any appointment for public services scheduled during the peak of the heat wave is possible upon request. Citizens to re-evaluate their implementation. In this case, these public services are obliged to reconsider a new appointment or to serve them immediately without an appointment, at another time of the same day or on another day of urgency, if there is a question regarding the violation of the deadline. In any case, all public services and government agencies are indicated in the circular They should provide services without interruption They are for citizens and to ensure their proper functioning.

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