Corruption case in Chalkida: Five big money transactions caught in last few days

An attempt was made to withdraw one lakh euros from the bank accounts of relatives of persons accused of involvement in the Salkita High School corruption case.

Their attempt to go under the authorities’ radar was rendered futile by the surgical intervention of Saralambos Vourliotis, chairman of the Anti-Money Laundering Authority and Honorable Deputy Advocate General of the Supreme Court. His order to “freeze” the defendants’ assets.

An “Income – Expenditure” notebook, i.e. a notepad, was kept by the organized circuit in Salgita.

According to information, the relatives of the central defendants in the case investigated by the Department of Justice allegedly tried to withdraw about one hundred thousand euros from the first hour of disclosure of the illegal activity of the defendants, without knowing – it turned out – that the disputed accounts had already been made by order of the Anti-Money Laundering Commission.

Deep tests

Despite all this, their move did not go unnoticed as it immediately “rang the bell” in the authority, as did the attempt to close some accounts targeted by competent agencies and dusted over time. With this, the bank accounts and safety deposit boxes were finally blocked by the immediate freezing of the bank accounts and safe deposit boxes by the Chairman of the Commission.

Prior to the freezing of the bank accounts of natural and legal persons under criminal control by the judge for participating in this case… the headquarters of the DOU of Salgita. Vourliotis’ freezing order includes bank accounts and safe deposit boxes held by the defendants either individually or jointly with other individuals.

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After the disclosure of the case, the defendants face serious criminal charges (in some cases criminal, career and by extension bribing an employee), these individuals are directly under the microscope of the authorities.

For this reason, the bank accounts and assets of the defendants will be checked from time to time to establish whether they were obtained through legal means or whether they fall under the provisions of the Money Laundering Act and constitute a product. of money laundering.

Amounts and names

Meanwhile, the organized circuit in Salgita, which operated under the leadership of – according to the case file – the role of director of the tax office, kept an “income – expenditure” notebook, a notepad.

The director allegedly – according to the information – kept notes with names and amounts from kickbacks received by the ring. It is an essential element for proceeding with investigation by competent prosecuting authorities.

The notebook records the money allocated to each gang member from the amount they extorted from taxpayers to pursue their cases with that particular agency.

Regarding the DOU of Chalkida, the commander of AADE, Giorgos Pitsilis, gave an order, among other things: re-verification of all suspicious cases, especially those related to VAT refunds, and complete in-depth administrative control.

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