Aris: Finally Lefteris Mantzoukas, Steam and Rally Alkins under!

Lefteris Mantzoukas from Aris should be considered a thing of the past as KAE decided to terminate his loan from Panathinaikos while Raleigh Alkins is on steam!

Serious decisions were made tuesday After the team’s poor start. Yesterday (10/13) Episode of Yiannis Kastritis with Lefteris Mantzougas at Chef The 42-year-old coach kicked the young forward off the bench and sent him to the locker room, and the two sides are now in talks to terminate the deal. KAE Ariz Ensures disbursement of credit.

Reports claim that the international is not taking part in the team’s competitive activities and is looking for another club to continue his career. We remind you that Manzookas Borrowed by “yellow” from Panathinaikos.

According to him Raleigh AlkinsIt is highly possible that he too will become a thing of the past as reports indicate that the two sides are already discussing an immediate termination of the contract following a request filed by the American guard himself! According to reports, he asked to leave the team as he was not satisfied with the role he was playing after a clash with Giannis Gastridis during a match with him. Olympics.

The same is expected to happen to him Donovan Clayautomatically reduces the number of “yellow” aliens to seven (pp. DeJulius, Woodbury, Hodge, Knowle, Roberts, Banks, and Laszewski) Yannis Gastritis He is already looking for a center in the market, hoping that his big fraud problem will be solved.

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