Fire in Heraklion: A strong force of the fire department is active, helicopters have been raised

There is now a fire in Heraklion, Crete. A fire burns in low vegetation in the Lofoupoli area of ​​Heraklion.

According to, the fire broke out around one o’clock on Saturday and is burning on a grassy slope in the Marathiti region, between Lofoupolis and Vasilei.

A strong force of the fire department was immediately mobilized as the island was on general alert for fire

Snapshot from firefighting (source:

A strong force of fire department was mobilized immediately as the island is under general alert. 41 firemen, 10 vehicles and 2 helicopters along with 2 infantry teams of 3rd EMODE are engaged in fire fighting.

Project engines and OTA water carriers cooperate in extinguishing operation.

The General Regional Commander of the Fire Brigade of Crete was also on the scene, along with the Mayor of Heraklion, Alexis Kalokairino.

The Deputy Governor of Civil Defense, Giorgos Tsappakos, issued a statement to APE-MPE, noting that “the fire was soon contained, the mobilization was immediate, and there was no threat to residential areas.”

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