SYRIZA: Cicadas, “weeds” and nerves – background to the meeting for the October conference

On a July afternoon, in the middle of summer and heat, a “battle” would break out among SYRIZA members, the details of which were to prepare the Congress.

That is, it was neither a political secretariat nor a central committee, and no decisions were brought to the table.

The so-called EPC met through video conference, yet the discussion took on militant proportions, shaking the entire atmosphere.

Under the sound of cicadas on Tuesday afternoon, the blood in Syriza was on fire.

Why cicadas? As the meeting was held through video conferencing, some members walked out. Cicadas can also be heard in the background during certain moments of the encounter.

The posts of CET members were generally in a good mood, but everything changed when questions were raised about the date of the Congress. It is noteworthy that the Central Committee of SYRIZA decided that the congress will be held on October 4-6. It also coincides with the first round of PASOK’s internal party elections.

At the first meeting of the central organizing committee for the SYRIZA conference, there were nerves and cicadas. And “weed” proposals for Syriza.

Let’s take the facts from the beginning. Administrators, such as the president of KO Sokratis Famellos, raised the issue of the dates of the conference. Olga Gerovasili expressed concern about the dates, but agreed that it was decided in the institutions. Other members expressed similar concerns.

Mr. Famellos insisted on this proposal and said several times that according to the information secretary Rania Svigou throughout the meeting, the dates mentioned by all the members were decided by dozens of members of the party in the Central Committee.

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According to reports, SYRIZA leader Stephanos Kasselakis intervened suddenly – perhaps elegantly – by interrupting the work of a member of KOES. He took the stage and was annoyed by the previous one, saying among other things: “Who doesn’t want to leave. The end”.

At this point in the story the “bang” happened. Some members are leaving and some are on a conference call.

Mr. Kassalakis said during the meeting that SYRIZA is an independent party and does not operate along party lines. From the moment dozens of members in KE decided, we don’t care what PASOK does. And it is not our intention to follow PASOK.

Those who heard him said the message was unclear. Quit the party or quit KOES? However, this intervention, it exploded, and it was this intervention that fueled the fire and created a negative climate.

Reports suggest that after this stand, it will be difficult for the President to convene the CoESI in full quorum.

After some time, according to the information of – and when some left – Mr. Kasselakis is back on the field. He said that we should all work for SYRIZA and we should be accountable to the members. Let’s deal with everyday life.

From Stefanos Kasselakis side, they follow KE’s decision and there are bodies’ decisions, anyone who doesn’t like the results can leave. Mr. Kassalakis emphasized that we must follow the results of our bodies and that this will not change.

Before the meeting ended, Yannis Rakosis, Olga Gerovasilis, Kostas Zachariadis, Thanasis Theogaropoulos, Alekos Flampouraris, Katerina Notopoulou, Eleni Simeonido and Zoe Garkoulias left.

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Stefanos Kasselakis published a post after the reports on KOES, actually referring to Olga Gerovasilis.

“Here we go again!” He mentions and declares: We are fine with Olga. Don’t worry.

We will collectively modernize our party to be responsive to society without being enslaved to any vested interest. Don’t forget what you fought for €20 for Olga’s Bothan Ashes…”

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