Three UAVs were shot down by “Kentaros” anti-drone – Bell from ODA

Top Navy sources have characterized the performance of AAB’s anti-drone “Kentauros” as “excellent”. Just prior to departure for the Red Sea, the Psara installed a Greek designed and developed jamming system on the frigate. Successfully tested in operational field for second time in eight daysRecord to date Three UAV landings The Houthis.

In both cases, when the Greek warship and its ships, as part of the European operation Aspides, were attacked by enemy drones, the “Centaur” operated with complete success, not only detecting and revealing the threats in time, but also their neutralization. However, even though it is a “combat proven” system, till date, the armed forces have not placed orders.

Three downgrades

According to the secure information of “K”, in the early hours of Sunday, July 14, an anti-ship drone from the “Psara” warship succeeded in shooting down not one, but two Houthi drones. Geetha and Aspides said in a statement that “at least one person was shot down” while others were eliminated. Credible sources assert that the second UAV was also destroyed, although the conditions are still unclear due to the long distance from the naval division. However, the first reports are telling are shining refers to Blast in the air Like the accident on July 7, it did not make contact with the surface of the ocean.

The same sources inform “K” that there are two possible scenarios. Since the UAV was under strong interference emission, Either his ammunition detonated or his self-destruct system was activated. According to the information, the UAVs in question have a decoupling system with passive navigation so that they return to their base in case of interference. However, in this case the drone was unable to escape and triggered a self-destruct mechanism. Unfortunately the distance was too great and at this time it was practically impossible to locate the wreckage to draw any more definitive conclusions.

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beyond the horizon

Information from “K” says that a swarm of Houthi UAVs was detected at a very long distance exceeding 10 nautical miles. In practice, the “Centaur” revealed threats beyond the visible horizon and long before enemy drones entered the gun range of the Greek warship. The crew of the F-454 “Psara”, which already has considerable experience in using the anti-drone system, Engaged the UAVs and shot down one of them with a jammed broadcast lasting about three minutes, then detonated the other.. The rest They changed course and removed from charge of the frigate.

Despite the fact that the “Kentaros” system was developed by the military as an anti-shipboard drone, it has given very remarkable results since its use on the “Psara” warship. Qualified sources say that this is a completely passive mechanism that does not betray the location of the user, while in the land version, after detecting a threat, the vehicle carrying it moves away and is not a target. Its performance in sea trials was impressiveThere, during a training exercise, the warship’s crew intercepted communications from the aircraft, revealing their direction.

No order

According to information, Navy The next unit to be stationed in the Red Sea intends to install the “Centaur” on the frigate “Spetsai”.However, so far, No official order has been issued. Currently there is only one prototype, which should be lifted from “Psara” and placed in “Spetsai”. According to ODA sources, de-installation and re-installation, as well as crew training, will require several days, delaying the warship’s departure.

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Even initial interest against five drones for GES’s benefit did not translate into a deal. The lack of orders from the Greek Armed Forces is a concern for the EAB, which wants to proceed with sub-system and wiring orders and further development of the system. Nevertheless, the successes of the “Kentaros” anti-drone have attracted the interest of the National Guard in Cyprus and foreign markets asking for more information.

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Sources of the Navy staff tell “K” that the Navy is drawing valuable conclusions from the use of the system in the field of operations and will continue to test the “Centaur” under different conditions. Actually, they didn’t exclude her Installation of system in MEKO warships, If a decision is taken for their total or partial modernization.

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