Kifisia: 5-year-old boy left inside school for 6 hours

A school bus driver and passenger in Kifisia left a 5-year-old boy inside the vehicle for 6 hours.

According to MEGA, the child’s 52-year-old father put the 5-year-old boy on a bus at around 8am to take him to a public kindergarten in the area. On the way to the school unit, the child fell asleep in the back seat.

When he got to kindergarten, when he was on the bus, all the kids got off. Unknowingly, the driver and assistant stopped the bus not far from the kindergarten and locked the child inside.

Six hours later, around 2 p.m., the driver returned to the bus, where he found the 5-year-old child strapped into her high chair and crying, and the school later notified parents. The child is fine.

Both the driver and a 70-year-old female friend have been charged with endangering a minor. Police officers are still searching for them.

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