Nobel Prize-winning physicist Peter Hicks has died

British Physicist Peter HicksProvided with Nobel Prize in Physics In 2013 “Higgs Boson”A fundamental building block of the fundamental structure of matter has died yesterday at the age of 94, the University of Edinburgh announced today.

“He died peacefully at home on Monday 8th April after a short illness”The university said in a statement.

British physicist Peter Hicks

AP Photo/Denis Polybus/Pool

Who is Peter Hicks?

Born on 29 May 1929 in Elswick, Newcastle, England. His doctorate (1954) was entitled: “Some Problems in Molecular Oscillations” and led him to study the application of symmetry principles to physical systems.

In 1964, he published two articles in Physical Rev. letters, In the mechanism of spontaneous symmetry breaking, Explains this way Where particles can gain mass, referred to established standards.

This mechanism predicts the presence of a boson, whose field fluctuations produce the mass of all associated particles. This particle has not yet been detected experimentally. Latest test data Large Hadron Collider at CERN provide strong evidence for particle detection.

In 2013, he shared the Nobel Prize in Physics with Belgian François Engler.

British physicist Peter Hicks

AP Photo/Denis Polybous, Pool

His great contribution

Royal Society and Honorary Fellow, Hicks spent most of his working life at the University of EdinburghIt established the Higgs Center for Theoretical Physics in his honor in 2012.

According to GuardianProfessor Peter Matheson, director of the university, said: “Peter Hicks was a remarkable person – a truly gifted scientist whose vision and imagination enriched our knowledge of the world around us. His pioneering work has inspired thousands of scientists and his legacy will continue to inspire generations to come.“.

Professor Fabiola Gianotti, Director General of CERN and former head of the ATLAS experiment, who helped discover the Higgs boson in 2012, said: Beyond his outstanding contributions to particle physics, Peter was a very special person, a man of rare modesty. A great teacher and explained physics very simply and deeply. An important part of Chern's history and achievements is related to him. I am very sad and will miss him very much.”

Peter Hicks won the Nobel Prize in 2013

AP Photo/Frank Ochstein

The Higgs Boson or “God Particle”

The Higgs particle, famously and incorrectly called it by Leon Lederman A “God Particle” or “God Particle” is a boson whose existence is theoretically predicted by the Standard Model.. It was discovered experimentally on 4 July 2012 by the ATLAS and CMS experiments of CERN's Large Hadron Collider (LHC).

The existence of the Higgs particle explains how matter forms by giving it properties such as mass.. This boson appears to exist in the energy range 115–127 GeV, (125 GeV with a mass equal to 133 protons). Its discovery will help us better understand the creation of the universe by solving problems in the Big Bang theory, after the first fractions of a second of the universe's birth.

This boson is named after British physicist Peter Higgs.He was one of 6 physicists who proposed its existence in related publications in 1964. In 2013 Peter Higgs and François Englert were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for their work and prediction.

Attempts to verify availability

In December 2011 Researchers from two independent experiments, ATLAS and CMS (CERN) at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN in Switzerland, announced that they have found evidence for the existence of the Higgs boson. It has a mass of about 125 GeV/c2.

On July 4, 2012, CERN scientists confirmed the discovery of a new particle with a mass of 125 GeV and an error of 0.6 with a deviation of 5 sigma, which means that it is 99.99995% certain and this observation is verifiable and can be reproduced at any time. Time. This particle is thought to be a boson and is actually the heaviest ever discovered. The new particle is assumed to have the characteristics of the Higgs boson, with a caveat until it is shown to actually have its other, theoretically predicted properties. It was recently announced that analysis of traces of an elementary particle discovered at CERN's Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in the summer of 2012 showed strong evidence that it is a Higgs boson.

Implications for particle detection

The discovery of the Higgs boson was an important step in initiating the theoretical and experimental investigation of the theory of supersymmetry. Supersymmetric particles are invisible (not perceptible or directly detectable) and may represent 90% of the universe, but so far Fermilab experiments have not confirmed the theory, at least in its current form.

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