Spokesman Navalny: Russian authorities have sent an ultimatum to bury him

Press representative of the deceased Alexei Navalny Kira Jarmis said today Russian officials told his mother That is his son He should be buried in the prison colony He died unless he confessed He should be buried within three hours without public cremation.

Kira Jarmis wrote in a post on social media X: “An hour ago, An investigator called Navalny's mother and gave her an ultimatum. Either agree to a secret funeral without a public farewell within three hours or Alexey will be buried in a prison colony.»

Jarmis said Navalny's mother rejected the ultimatum And continued to demand that his body be handed over to him. “She refused to speak to the commission of inquiry because they had no authority to decide how and where her son should be buried. This must comply with the law, which requires coroners to hand over the body within two days of determining the cause of death. According to the medical documents he signed, this two-day period ends tomorrow. He insists that the authorities should allow the funeral procession and cremation to take place as per the traditions.“, Jarmis wrote.

Navalny's mother, Lyudmila, 69, They have been requesting the authorities to hand over his body for several days The burial should be done to allow his friends, family and supporters to bid him a final farewell.

At the same time, with their open letter to the Russian authorities, which they have already signed More than 400 priests and religious Russians They have demanded to hand over his body Navalny Relatives and like-minded people bid farewell to his family and “give him a Christian burial”.

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«Every human being deserves this and should be given a human burial. Even Pontius Pilate, who decided to crucify Jesus for fear of the emperor's displeasure, had no qualms about handing over His body. Sothyros for his burial. Don't be crueler than Pontius Pilate».

The priest is the first to sign the letter Andriy Korochkin, who openly opposed the war, went to Germany and was removed from his post by the leadership of the Russian Orthodox Church for this reason. In a recent interview, the priest said:Not only did Navalny return to Russia, but in his pardon, when the court changed his suspended sentence to a real one, ​​(20/2/2020), I remember that he surprised everyone when he suddenly spoke about Jesus. The Bible. At the time, he had said that he considered himself a Christian and that faith helped him a lot to understand what decisions were right and what were wrong.

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, they are satisfied' he mentioned the well-known phrase from the Gospel and clarified what this phrase meant to him: 'Although our country is built on injustice and we collide with it, we see at the same time millions of people want the truth. They want the truth to be there, and sooner or later they will get it. They will be satisfied,” he said.

Source: APE-MPE, Reuters, BBC

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